Copyright © 2024 Charles Lauster Architect, P.C.

Chung Pak Building

by Charles Lauster Architect, P.C. on August 26, 1992


Institutional   Commercial   Planning   Residential


Chung Pak Building
New York City 1992

In response to a court mandated, city detention center, Community Board #1 retained CLA to analyze the impact on the Chinatown community. CLA’s report proposed a mixed use building to screen Chinatown from the detention center. The building would meet the most pressing needs in the community — low income housing, child care, health care and small shops at street level.

Because of a remarkable partnership between two consecutive mayors and the local community the building was built as envisioned. Ten stories of low income elderly housing (HUD Section 202 housing) sits atop a podium with shops at grade, a health center on the second floor and a child care center on the third. This was the first mixed use building for HUD in the country.

CLA designed the podium and the Edelman Partnership designed the housing.